Tjala-nga Tjara – It’s all about Tjala
Outstation Gallery8 Parap Place
Parap, 0820
Darwin, Northern Territory

Art Centres
This exhibition is brought to you by Outstation, in collaboration with the following art centres:
- Barbara Mbitjana Moore
- Illuwanti Ken
- Maringka Tunkin
- Mick Wikilyiri
- Nyunmiti Burton
- Ray Ken
- Ruby Tjangawa Williamson
- Serena Ken
- Seven Sisters
- Sylvia Kanytjupai Ken
- Tjimpayi Presley
- Tjimpayi Presley and Mona Mitakiki Shepherd
- Tjungkara Ken
- Wawiriya Burton
- Yaritji Young
Light and movement shimmers across the canvas in a constellation of colour that is identifiable as the work of Tjala artists from Amata in the APY lands, South Australia.
Bolder and stronger, these works resonsate a presence that is almost ethereal in the tonal works of Nyunmiti Burton, Maringka Tunkin and sisters Tjimpayi Presley and Mona Shepherd. Slight additions to the palette for this body of work provide fresh appeal for the work of Ruby Williamson, Barbara Moore, and Tjunkara Ken.
In a first for Outstation Gallery, three generations of artists from the one family are exhibited alongside one another – Illuwanti Ken, Sylvia Ken and Serena Ken. The support and encouragement offered to this next generation of artists continues to see Tjala Arts as one of the most exciting and innovative art centres in Australia today.