Tjukutjuku walka walka walka walka pulka tjukurpa – little mark, mark, mark big story
Outstation Gallery8 Parap Place
Parap, 0820
Darwin, Northern Territory

Art Centres
This exhibition is brought to you by Outstation, in collaboration with the following art centres:
- Angkaliya Curtis
- Beryl Jimmy
- Bradley Tunkin
- David Miller
- Ginger Wikilyiri
- Helen Curtis
- Iyawi Wikilyiri
- Kani Patricia Tunkin
- Kay Baker
- Keith Stevens
- Linda Stevens
- Maringka Baker
- Marita Baker
- Milpati Baker
- Ruth Fatt
- Sharon Peters
- Tjampawa Stevens
- Venita Woods
Almost the complete Tjungu Palya artistic contingent are represented in this show of small works.
A delightful combination of family connections, we see the influences and stylistic variations of a cross-section of the community: from elders to the next generation of emerging artists making their own mark. Sisters Marita and Kaye Baker, mother and daughter Angkaliya and Helen Curtis, Iyawi Wikilyiri and husband Ginger Wikilyiri, Keith Stevens and his wife Tjampawa and daughter Linda show their talent on a smaller scale. Elder painter Maringka Baker compresses all the same tightly compartmentalized detail into this unique size, which can also be seen in her grand-daughter Venita Woods’ paintings.
All the works in the show are 66 x 100 cm, acrylic on linen.