‘Ngayulu Mantangka Walkatjunanyi’ I am Drawing in the Sand
Outstation Gallery8 Parap Place
Parap, 0820
Darwin, Northern Territory

Art Centres
This exhibition is brought to you by Outstation, in collaboration with the following art centres:
- Angkaliya Curtis
- Bernard Tjalkuri
- Beryl Jimmy
- Ginger Wikilyiri
- Helen Curtis
- Kani Patricia Tunkin
- Keith Stevens
- Ruth Fatt
- Watarru Collaborative
Transcendent translucence
THE JOY OF BRIGHTLY COLOURED PIGMENT bouncing off a light reflective surface can be found in these new works on paper from Tjungu Palya. Many of the artists in this exhibition are new to working in this medium, however the results show they are no less skillful as their stories translate into a beautifully soft and poetic evocation of their usual work.
The idea for a works on paper show came about after Tjungu Palya displayed five different editioned digital prints (from original ink drawings) at the DesertMob marketplace last year. The works were by Bernard Tjalkuri, Helen Curtis, Beryl Jimmy and the Watarru Collaborative (Beryl Jimmy, Wipana Jimmy and Imitjala Pollard); this show now also includes Keith Stevens, Ruth Fatt and Kani Patricia Tunkin.
UNLIKE ACRYLIC PAINT, even when it is watered down, ink is a very fluid medium and is more akin to drawing than painting. The quality of the mark, the depth or translucence of the colour depends on the weight of the brush and the fluidity of the stroke as ink can glide along the paper in a smooth movement. It is also suited to finely controlled, meticulous and meditative work as shown by Kani Tunkin and Bernard Tjalkuri.
It is interesting to see how each artist translates their story in this medium: retaining a striking use of markings, there is an added softness given by the ink and the variation in colour. Works on canvas are often painted over a black or opaque background and the image is saturated; in a beautiful contrast the undecorated background and brightness of the paper makes light bounce through the translucency of the ink as the colours appear to glow and float on the surface. Similarly the whiteness surrounding the tightly spaced dot work and tonal variation of each mark, makes their form appear to pulse and radiate.