Rising Stars 2020
Outstation Gallery8 Parap Place
Parap, 0820
Darwin, Northern Territory

Art Centres
This exhibition is brought to you by Outstation, in collaboration with the following art centres:
- Bradley Tunkin
- Kenan Namundja
- Marissa Munti
- Michelle Woody
- Sammy Lyons
- Watson Corby
RISING STARS is our annual exhibition celebrating emerging artists; in 2020 we are showing artists’ work from Papunya Tjupi, Maningrida Arts & Culture, Tjala Arts, Tjungu Palya and Jilamara Arts. A strong selection of work including canvas and bark painting, reveals diverse techniques as each artist depicts their stories.
Rising star from Maningrida Arts & Culture in Arnhem Land, is Kenan Namunjdja who hails from a line of well-known bark painters. Adept at painting in the highly recognizable and powerful Kuninjku style of tightly woven, fine and delicate rarrk, Kenan draws upon the Djang (totemic beings, sacred sites and ceremonial designs) of the Kardbam clan estate. His works are exceptional and Kenan was one of seven artists featured in Primavera 2019 – the MCA’s annual exhibition of artists under aged 35.
Watson Corby from Papunya Tjupi in the Central Desert, has been painting the Kalipinypa water dreaming story for many years. In recent years Watson has refined his technique and was selected as a finalist in the Macquarie Group emerging artist prize in 2016, exhibited in Desert Mob and the Salon des Refuses in 2019, and has featured in Papunya Tjupi group shows at Outstation Gallery.
Senior law man Sammy Lyons only started painting in December last year; Marissa Munti is from a family of artists . They both exhibit the loose, painterly brushwork and bright palette synonymous with Tjala Arts in the APY Lands.
As with Marissa Munti, Bradley Tunkin also hails from a family of artists. His Grandfather, the great Jimmy Baker, was a formative artist in the APY Lands and helped to gain recognition for the region. Bradley’s sisters, Teresa Baker and Kani Tunkin are now well known artists in their own right. Bradley says of his paintings:
‘This is my grand father’s story that I’m learning. Kalaya Tjukurpa (the story of the ancestral Emu Man).This is Kanpi. Ngayuku ngura, ngayuku ninti pulka (this is my country and I hold great knowledge for this place).’
MICHELLE WOODY is a Tiwi painter from Jilamara Arts. She applies pigment using the pwoja comb, (a painting tool made from locally harvested ironwood) and used in traditional Tiwi ceremonial body painting. Michelle applies pwoja mark-making to create depictions of country, sea and story telling, a field where the body and the landscape are not so distinguishable, but much more fluid concepts. One of her works was exhibited in the 2019 Salon des Refuses.