Mimili Maku Alinytjara – Mimili Maku Going North
Outstation Gallery8 Parap Place
Parap, 0820
Darwin, Northern Territory
Art Centres
This exhibition is brought to you by Outstation, in collaboration with the following art centres:
- Betty Kuntiwa Pumani
- Judy Martin
- Kathleen Tjapalyi
- Milatjari Pumani
- Mumu Mike Williams
- Ngupulya Pumani
- Puna Yanima
- Tuppy Ngintja Goodwin
- Willy Muntjari Martin
Mimili Maku is located in the community of Mimili in the far north west of South Australia, at the base of the Everard Ranges. In the Anangu Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara (APY) Lands, Mimili is 645km south of Alice Springs which is the nearest large town.
Mimili is home to 350 Anangu people who speak a mix of Yankunytjatjara, Pitjantjatjara, Ngaanyatjarra and Luritja.
The art centre takes its name from the maku (witchetty grub) found in the roots of the Acacia Kempeana. The Maku Tjukurpa (witchetty grub songline) is a significant story from this area.
This is the first time that Mimili Maku have exhibited at Outstation Gallery and we are very excited to present this exquisite body of work.