Anangu Pitjantjatjara Yankunyjatjara Lands (APY)
Mimili Maku
Situated at the base of the Everard Ranges in the APY Lands, the Mimili community is approximately 645 km south of Alice Springs. Mimili Maku is an Aboriginal owned and governed arts business.
An important songline for Anangu at Mimili is the Maku Tjukurpa (witchetty grub), which is the art centre’s namesake. As with much of the APY region, the work from Mimili Maku is diverse, representing a range of stories and styles. From the more tightly defined and colourful work of Tuppy Goodwin, to the loosely stippled dots and painterly lines of Milatjari Pumani. Daughter Ngupulya Pumani, is known for her celebrated ephemeral shimmer, also seen somewhat in younger sister Betty Pumani’s work, who more often uses a limited palette and bold spatial relationships.
Visit websiteExhibitions
Betty Campbell – ‘Minymaku Inma – Women’s Dance’
Rising Stars 2024
Rising Stars 2023
Tjukurpa Kunpu Mulapa – Culture, Strong and True
Rising Stars 2018
Malatja-malatja tjutaku kulu – ‘For the future generations’
Rising Stars 2017
APY kakarara nguru : kuwaritja – APY East : new wave
Kantilya ngaranytjaku. Kuranyukutu nyakunytjaku. Staying Strong. Looking Forward.
Rising Stars 2016
Ngunytju Kurunpa – Mother Spirit
Rising Stars 2015
Uwankara nganana Mimili Maku Arts – Together we are Mimili Maku Arts
APY Lands survey exhibition 2013
Pira Mimi
Rising Stars 2013
Mimili Maku Alinytjara – Mimili Maku Going North